Credit cards are shrouded in mystery when it comes to additional benefits that users can take advantage of, and save cash. Never expect a credit company to trumpet the additional perks as by doing, so they are likely to incur additional costs. Credit companies go a great distance to offer protection and benefits in a bid to remain competitive and attract more clients.
Extended Warranty
Unknown to many is that some card issuers do offer extended warranty on items purchased using their cards. Some credit card companies offer extended warranties of up to 12 months for item claims of $10,000 or less. Some of the coverage involves physical damage caused by items because of national disasters, power surge and mechanical cover not covered by product recall. However, purchases not covered include motor vehicles and parts as well as animals and perishable items.
Guaranteed Returns
It is common to buy an item and later on realize you don’t actually need it after the return date is over. Well, worry no more, as there are credit cards that have a guarantee return policy. What this means is that a credit card company will refund your money if the store refuses to do so. However, for a credit company to approve a refund, the item should be in good shape, the original package should also be there as well as the original receipt. There are also price limits to which credit companies offer coverage, so it is important to first check with the provider before seeking a refund.
Rental Car Insurance
When it comes to renting a car, some providers require one to add a supplemental insurance coverage. While there is, a good chance that a personal car insurance might work, some credit cards might also come in handy. Credit cards do offer rental car insurance coverage on things like collision or theft. If you are involved in an accident, your credit card might cover a portion of the bills that a primary insurance does not pick up.
Fraud Protection
Identity theft is becoming a big deal as hackers up their game in pursuit of people’s data as well as money. Losing a credit card is sure to cause some sleepless night especially if it ends up in the wrong hands. However, most card issuers offer some protection as long as the same is reported. Credit card providers alert their clients of anything unusual when it comes to the usage of credit cards. There are also laws that limit the amount of money that one can pay for if a credit card is used by a third party unauthorized.
Event Ticket Protection
Bad weather, flight delays or car wreck could make it impossible for one to attend concerts, whose tickets have already been paid for. As long as payment was made using some credit cards, some providers do offer refunds to a certain amount. However, one should always be conversant with some of the restrictions with this offer.